

√70以上 鬼瓦 輪 306763

Rin Onigawara (鬼瓦 輪) One of the Supreme Five Swords (Tenka Goken) at The Private Aichi Symbiosis Academy She was famous for her prominent hate of men She is also merciless until most transfer students quit school Thanks to that her class always have less people compared to the other classes鬼瓦輪(cv:高田憂希)、亀鶴城メアリ(cv:北原沙弥香) 眠目さとり(cv:西田望見)花酒蕨(cv:日高里菜) 因幡月夜(cv:日岡なつみ) dvd付限定盤cozc1316~7 ¥1,800+税 通常盤 cocc ¥1,0+税 通常盤cocx ¥1,800+税The latest tweets from @onigawara_rin Decide 鬼瓦輪 Cv 高田憂希 Shazam 鬼瓦 輪